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Child Boxes

"When parents lose a child, they lose their future. They experience pain like no other. Their grief is unimaginable and unbelievable. After all, children aren't supposed to die."


We supply boxes for children that pass away from approximately 1 year of age up to the age of 18 years from any cause. Each box is unique and contains the following:

  • 2 identical teddies, one to go with the child and one for the family to keep (when it is time to say goodbye, parents often swap the teddies, so the child has the one with the parents smell and the parents have one with the child's)

  • A scented soy candle

  • A soft face washer to enable the family to wash their child or give them a bath 

  • A beautiful bag to place a lock of their hair

  • Seeds to plant in remembrance of their child

  • Photo frame

  • Journal and pen

  • Card with a meaningful quote  

  • I Can't Talk Card

  • Tissues

  • A beautiful vase 

  • Handmade card for staff looking after a bereaved family to write messages of support

  • Precious Wings brochure with links to other support available for bereaved families

  • Inkless wipe kits (black and either blue or pink) to create hand and footprints

  • A letter to the bereaved parents from another parent to show support and understanding


We supply boxes to Children's Emergency Departments, Paediatric Intensive Care, Palliative Care and Children's Wards. We believe every parent who loses a child should have access to a memory box. No-one should have to leave a hospital without their precious children's memories preserved caringly and compassionately. Each box is donated In Loving Memory of a beautiful child gone too soon.

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