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"When you have a child, your instinct is to protect them; when you lose a child, your instinct is to protect their memory."


We have three different types of memory boxes, one for babies from approximately 16 weeks' gestation to 1 year of age, one for children from 1 to 16 years of age and a legacy memory box for adolescents and young adults with a terminal diagnosis:





A ‘Memory Box’ helps families who have suffered the overwhelming loss of their baby or child to create precious memories, at the time of their loss, by providing a place to keep precious items such as hand and foot prints or a lock of hair of their baby or child. The box and its contents reinforce the fact that their child existed and that he or she is loved and remembered. The boxes are often prepared by other bereaved families in memory of their own lost baby or child and contain gifts such as Forget Me Not seeds to be planted in memory of the little one and a scented candle for times of reflection in the future. These families understand the devastation such a loss means and are thus able to convey an enormous amount of love, hope and understanding with the giving of each memory box. 


Research shows that the way you are treated by health professionals when you experience a loss can influence significantly the way in which you will experience the grieving process. It is extremely important that every family that experiences a loss in a hospital is given the love and comfort they deserve. We believe a key element of this care is the provision by hospitals of special memory boxes to the grieving families. These boxes become very personal possessions for them to carry out of the hospital and to hold the precious memories of their child.


We supply boxes to Neo-natal Intensive Care Units, Paediatric Intensive Care Units, Children's Emergency Departments and Maternity Wards. We believe every parent who loses a child should have access to a memory box. No-one should have to leave a hospital without their precious children's memories preserved caringly and compassionately. Each box is donated In Loving Memory of a beautiful child gone too soon.

We believe every parent who loses a child should have access to a memory box. No-one should have to leave a hospital without their children’s memories preserved caringly and compassionately. I can’t adequately describe that walk out of the hospital when you have said goodbye to your child for the last time, left them with strangers, then somehow go home and get on with life. Having something beautiful to hold onto when leaving with empty arms can make it just a little easier to bear.


"I'm a nurse who was in a position of providing one of your memory boxes to a recently bereaved family... They are incredible and the effect your memory box had on that family (and myself) is profound! Keep up the great work and I look forward to being a strong supporter of your project"

Memory Boxes

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